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Is Your Life How You Want It To Be? 

Dr Elizma

Children often dream about the many things they’ll do as an adult. These fantasies may involve a dream wedding, embarking on perilous adventures, or an ambitious career. However, as maturity ensues, reality may seem to cloud those aforementioned aspirations. As we get older, we may look around and thing, “What am I doing with my life?

The fortunate thing about making a change is that you hold the ultimate control. You have the power to acknowledge your current situation and take those steps towards securing your happiness. Sometimes, that ever present feeling of unhappiness can leave you confused as to what’s causing it. Because of this, a thorough examination of the self is required. If you want to make a beneficial change to how your life is going, consider these questions that can lead to self-discovery.

  1. Are You Using Your Full Potential? 

As a child, jobs were seen as a fulfillment of purpose. You wanted to have fun while making a contribution to society. When bills and obligations occur, that initial ambition is pushed aside. You may find yourself working in a dead-end job simply to stay above water. Although respectable, are you using your potential to the fullest? Sure, your responsibilities may be taken care of, but are you happy? Analyze your current position and think of ways to improve your skillset so you are challenging yourself. You will soon find that purpose you were lacking.

2. Are Your Personal Needs Being Met? 

Abraham Maslow outlined a complex order of needs that are universal for each person. When these needs aren’t met, we experience sudden anxiety or even repressed emotions. There is a solid reason behind why we have certain physical and emotional needs. For example, imagine going a day without eating. Surely, your body will begin to grow weak.

This same deprivation when applied to our emotional needs can lead to overall weakness. Usually, this occurs in our interpersonal relationships. If you feel as though your needs are being ignored, acknowledge that. If your loved one seems to disregard your opinion when it comes to important matters, kindly voice your feelings. Freely express what you need from others and learn how to do it in a diplomatic manner.

3. Are You Drained or Uplifting By Your Choices 

Often, we can create a routine of behavior that leaves us feeling drained without even realizing it. If you experience irritability, fatigue, and an overall disdain for the activities you feel obligated to participate it, likely you are draining your energy.

Analyze the why surrounding your choices. Choose inspiration over obligation so as to create the life you deserve. This can be done by:

  • Eliminating toxic associates.
  • Making a total career change.
  • Saying yes to new experiences.
  • Creatively expanding your horizon

4. Do You Have A Wellness Routine? 

The demands of everyday life can seem perilous. In order to combat these negative feelings, develop a self-care routine that will revitalize your energy. Engage in a physical activity, choose nutritious foods, and take care of yourself physically.

By taking the extra time to detox your mind and participate in an activity that you enjoy, you are giving yourself a much needed break. In addition, creating a routine for yourself establishes stability. You will feel more responsible, organized, and mature in your endeavors.

Life can often times leave us feeling drained, unhappy, and unfulfilled. When this occurs, take the necessary steps towards creating your life. Cultivate a sense of patience and enjoy the journey. You will soon see the benefits of your hard work through living a happy and purposeful life.

 This post is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered therapy. This blog is only for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered therapy or any form of treatment. We are not able to respond to specific questions or comments about personal situations, appropriate diagnosis or treatment, or otherwise provide any clinical opinions. If you think you need immediate assistance, call your local doctor/psychologist or psychiatrist or the SADAG Mental Health Line on 011 234 4837. If necessary, please phone the Suicide Crisis Line on 0800 567 567 or sms 31393. 

This blog is only for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered therapy or any form of treatment. We are not able to respond to specific questions or comments about personal situations, appropriate diagnosis or treatment, or otherwise provide any clinical opinions. If you think you need immediate assistance, call your local doctor/psychologist or psychiatrist or the SADAG Mental health Line on 011 234 4837. If necessary, please phone the Suicide Crisis Line on 0800 567 567 or sms 31393.